
Showing posts from August, 2018

Straw ban solution found in PLANTS!

Please excuse my excitement but as an herbalist, it makes me downright giddy when the answer to a global crisis is (insert drum roll here) PLANTS!   As you may have heard, a straw ban is sweeping the nation and causing a great deal of controversy between able-bodied people concerned about the environment and people with disabilities concerned about dying of dehydration.  This may seem like a dramatic description of the straw ban controversy but it’s exactly the way some people feel and everyone’s concerns are valid. Instead of arguing about whose needs are more important, let’s show compassion toward people with disabilities and the environment at the same time by replacing all plastic straws with a comparable, compostable alternative. There is no debate about the importance of finding eco-friendly alternatives to single use plastic products that will spend more time in the oceans or landfills instead of actually serving a purpose. There is also no debate about the m